
TurboGears Python- Full Stack Python Framework

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Turbogears is a Python-based open source data-driven interactive web framework. It was built from the ground up to be a full solution that incorporated all of the best-of-best features of other Python custom application technologies.

Kevin Dangoor started the TurboGears Python project in 2005 to assist the still-unreleased Zesty News product. Mark Ramm and Florent Aide are now co-leading the TurboGears project.

In May 2009, TurboGears Python 2 had its first stable release. It’s essentially a rewrite of the TurboGears project to incorporate new components and give a completely customisable WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) stack. The development is moving along at a slow but steady pace.

TurboGears Components

It is built on a variety of libraries and middleware like a FullStack web framework. TurboGears are divided into two series. TurboGears 1.x and TurboGears 2.x are the two series, with 2.x being the most recent. TurboGears 2.4.3, sometimes known as TurboGears2, is the most recent version.

When full-stack TurboGears Python functionalities are not required, the TurboGears2 series introduces “minimum mode,” which allows the user to consider this as a microframework.

The following is a list of all of TurboGears2’s primary components.

SQLAlchemy: SQLAlchemy is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) toolkit for Python that enables users to make and connect with SQL databases employing Python objects.

Ming: Ming is used to work with NoSQL datasets such as MongoDB.

Genshi: Genshi is a Python-based template generator that TurboGears uses to insert data into HTML and XHTML pages.

Repoze: TurboGears Python uses Repoze to handle security issues such as authorization and custom rules.

ToscaWidgets: TurboGears Python relies on a built-in component named ToscaWidgets to generate complicated forms and GUIs. Tosca can create simple and complicated HTML forms, as well as link JavaScript widgets and toolkits.

Gearbox: Despite the fact that the web app can connect to Apache, Nginx, and any other WSGI server, it comes with a built-in Gearbox toolset for project management.

Features of TurboGears Python

TurboGears Python is a web Python-based technology that symbolises the synergetic unification of numerous online Python-based technologies. The framework includes everything you need to create data-driven, extendable web applications in minutes, including user-friendly templating, simple AJAX on both the client and server sides, and a powerful and versatile Object Relational Mapper (ORM). TurboGears is based on a wide range of tools and software. Although the standard tools have been modified between the 1.x and 2.x series, most of them are still offered as alternate settings in both.

  • It can be used as a micro or full-stack web framework.
  • It includes a strong Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and multi-database compatibility.
  • It is built on the MVC model.vv
  • Like Genshi, it has a built-in templating engine.
  • Validation is provided by FomeEncode.
  • It also contains a toolbox for web security such as authorization, similar to Repoze.
  • It also includes a product development command-line tool.
  • ToscaWidgets are built-in to display backend statistics on the front-end layout.
  • Support for a WSGI-based front-facing server.
  • To construct the display code for the web application, use functions and decorators.

The TurboGears project has shifted its focus to the 2.x branch. For the next few years, the 1.x version will be supported. The standard ORM and scripting language will be changed in a future 1.1 version to suit the 2.x series. TurboGears has expressed interest in joining the Pylons development and Pyramid framework. TurboGears 3 (TurboPyramid, Orion) would be a full-stacked solution, with Pyramid serving as the fundamental base with minimum dependencies. However, due to the “different, but compatible objectives” of both frameworks, the official TurboGears 2 documentation notes that this is a rare occurrence. Pylons goal is to give a full-scale, versatile, user-friendly package, whereas TurboGears Python goal is to provide a low-level, extensible design.

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